Reasons to Schedule Fall HVAC Maintenance in Easley, SC

Reasons to Schedule Fall HVAC Maintenance in Easley, SC

With homeowners in Easley, SC, experiencing record-breaking temperatures throughout the summer, your air conditioner has worked even harder to keep you cool and comfortable. HVAC maintenance is a vital part of making sure your air conditioner and heater continue...
Benefits of UV Light Air Purification

Benefits of UV Light Air Purification

UV air purifiers kill certain bacteria and destroy their DNA to prevent them from replicating. They use UVC light instead of UVA and UVB radiation. Read on to learn about the advantages of using UV light air purification in your Greenville, SC, home. Prevents...
How a Dirty Air Filter Affects AC Performance and Comfort

How a Dirty Air Filter Affects AC Performance and Comfort

One of the most basic maintenance tasks that homeowners in Easley, SC, should take care of is air filter replacement. Without a clean air filter, your air conditioner won’t do its job properly. As a result, many problems may arise. Here are three ways that a...
3 Benefits of an HVAC Surge Protector in Taylors, SC

3 Benefits of an HVAC Surge Protector in Taylors, SC

Weaknesses exist throughout the entire U.S. electrical grid system, including in Taylors, SC, leading to surges and power outages. These random bursts of electricity have the potential to seriously damage your HVAC system. Here’s why an HVAC surge protector is...

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